4 easy steps to surviving your exams and assignments | South Bank Colleges
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Everyone dreads exams and assignments. The endless revision, the sweaty palms, the unexpected question.  While you can’t avoid them, there are ways to make the whole experience more manageable. 

  1. Getting motivated

Revision is no one’s favourite past-time.  You may find that you need something to spur you on. Setting some goals and rewards for reaching them is a good way to get started. Just make sure you don’t make those goals too easy to achieve.  But when you do reach them reward yourself. 

Another good tip is to stick to a routine. When revision becomes a habit, opening the textbook becomes automatic.

Perhaps the best motivation is to ask yourself ‘What happens if I don’t do it?’ A reminder of why you want to pass can give you the motivation that you need  – get up, eat something, start studying immediately, finish early have the rest of the day to yourself.

  1. Being organised

Make a timetable and follow it. Work out what you need to learn and organise your revision so everything’s covered. Build in time to kick back and relax. This way you won’t get stressed or have to cram at the very last minute.

How about creating a study group with your classmates? You can all hold each other accountable. Sometimes the added pressure is great for staying on track.

  1. Be active

Simply reading your notes does not always help you learn. Information tends to stick in your head when you do something more active.  For example, test yourself as you go along or write out key points for each section (don’t write pages and pages of notes though – you already have enough!)

  1. Dos and Don’ts

Don’t bet on studying the night before your exam or assignment is due.  Don’t forget to eat before you go into the exam.

Do be specific and measurable – what are you going to cover? Have a timetable – prioritise it above all. Be committed – stick to your plan.

Finally, do believe in yourself – what you know and live in the moment.  Dare to dream to be great.

Perhaps the best advice to is try and keep everything in perspective. Stay calm and remember that revision and exams will soon be over.

Exams are part of all learning experiences and South Bank Colleges will support you all the way through your study.