Exploring Future Pathways: Lambeth College ESOL students visit London South Bank Technical College | South Bank Colleges
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Recently, a group of enthusiastic ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) students from Lambeth College embarked on an insightful journey to London South Bank Technical College. The purpose of this visit was to participate in a series of taster sessions designed to provide a glimpse into various vocational and technical fields, helping students make informed decisions about their future academic and career pathways. The taster sessions covered a diverse range of subjects: Plumbing, Electronics, Healthcare, and Esports.

Plumbing: Mastering the Basics

The first session introduced students to the fundamentals of plumbing, focusing on the various types of connections used to attach copper pipes. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, students got hands-on experience with essential plumbing tools and techniques. They learned to use equipment such as blowtorches, solder, and scissor wrenches. This practical approach not only enhanced their understanding of the trade but also sparked an interest in those considering a career in plumbing.

Electronics: Engineering the Future

The Electronics session was a highlight for many students. They were given a demonstration in the industrial robotics lab, where state-of-the-art robotic arms showcased their ability to manipulate objects with precision. The excitement was palpable as students then had the opportunity to assemble a movement sensor from scratch. This session offered a fascinating insight into the world of electronics and industrial automation, inspiring some to consider careers in engineering and technology.

Healthcare: A Glimpse into Medical Professions

In the Healthcare session, students were introduced to the simulated manikin ward, a facility that uses advanced simulated patients to mimic real-life healthcare scenarios. Students observed demonstrations of various medical situations, including diagnosis and childbirth. This immersive experience provided a realistic view of the healthcare field, highlighting the skills and knowledge required to succeed in medical professions. It was an eye-opener for those interested in pursuing careers in nursing, midwifery, or other healthcare-related fields.

Esports: Behind the Scenes of Competitive Gaming

The Esports session transported students into the rapidly growing world of competitive gaming. They were taken to the Esports lab, where they received an engaging talk about the business concepts behind supporting or setting up an esports team. The session also covered the technical setup required to run a successful esports lab or arena. Students learned about the various career opportunities in this dynamic industry, from team management to event coordination and technical support.

A Step Towards the Future

The visit to London South Bank Technical College was a resounding success, providing Lambeth College ESOL students with valuable insights into potential career paths. These taster sessions not only broadened their understanding of different vocational fields but also helped them envision their future aspirations. The hands-on experiences and professional demonstrations left a lasting impression, empowering students to make informed choices about their educational journeys.


Lambeth College is committed to providing students with opportunities to explore and discover their passions. This visit is just one example of how the college supports its students in their quest for personal and professional growth. As these ESOL students continue their studies, they now have a clearer vision of the diverse and exciting pathways available to them.

By operating as part of South Bank Colleges, both Lambeth College and London South Bank Technical College benefit from a unified vision that prioritises student success and educational excellence. This partnership allows for the sharing of resources, expertise, and facilities, creating a richer and more varied learning environment. Students from Lambeth College, for instance, had the unique opportunity to access the specialised labs and advanced equipment at London South Bank Technical College, enriching their learning experience beyond the classroom.

Both colleges share a strong commitment to serving the diverse community of South London. By working together, they can better address the unique needs and aspirations of their student population. The recent taster sessions are a clear demonstration of this commitment, providing ESOL students with the knowledge and confidence to pursue their dreams.