New Horizons: Lambeth College ESOL students visit South Bank University | South Bank Colleges
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A group of enthusiastic ESOL students from Lambeth College recently embarked on an exciting educational trip to South Bank University. The visit aimed to provide insights into the opportunities that higher education can offer, particularly in the health sector, and to inspire the students as they advance towards the next stage of their academic and professional journeys.

The day was meticulously planned to ensure a comprehensive and engaging experience for all participants. The activities were divided into three main groups, each with a unique set of tasks designed to provide a hands-on understanding of university life and the health sector.

SBU ESOL visit 2024

Meet the Manikin + Moulage

The first activity involved an engaging session with a medical manikin, where students were introduced to moulage techniques. Moulage, the art of applying mock injuries for training purposes, allowed students to dress a “make-up” burn and attach it to a peer's arm. Working in small groups, the students learned about the importance of realistic simulations in medical training and gained valuable practical skills.

Health Presentation + Race

During the health presentation, South Bank University's health team delivered an informative talk about the university's health programmes and the exciting career opportunities within the NHS. The students were particularly intrigued by the possibilities of gaining real-world job experience during their studies.

Following the presentation, the students participated in a race where they donned various suits simulating different health and mobility conditions, such as being elderly or overweight. This activity was both fun and enlightening, as it allowed the students to experience first-hand the challenges faced by individuals with these conditions and to develop empathy and understanding. 

Campus Tour

The campus tour provided the students with a comprehensive overview of South Bank University's modern facilities. They visited the university's state-of-the-art Hub, which serves as a library and study space, offering a conducive environment for academic success. The tour also included a visit to the gym, where students learned about the importance of maintaining physical fitness alongside academic pursuits, and the large lecture theatres, which showcased the scale and scope of university lectures.

Reflection and Inspiration

The trip was not only educational but also highly inspiring for the ESOL students. It offered them a glimpse into university life and the myriad opportunities available through higher education. By interacting with university staff and participating in hands-on activities, the students could envision their future paths more clearly and were motivated to pursue their academic and professional goals with renewed vigour.

Lambeth College is proud of its partnership with South Bank University and is committed to providing its students with opportunities to explore and achieve their full potential. This visit was a testament to the power of collaboration in education and the importance of experiential learning in shaping the leaders of tomorrow.